Monday, 18 July 2011

This reality of ours…

I used to pray my Christian prayers and ask for things like blessings, Divine help, miracles and all sorts of things. Then I would wait for these things to happen to me or come to me. In many cases I would argue, when these things were not given to me, that it was not God’s will for me to have these things.

How do I then ensure I remain in the centre of God’s Will?

Recently I had a change of heart. I had to realize that God is not my Waiter, where I order the things I want and He stands ready to jump at my call. I pondered the words of Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer – “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven…”

These words are a transliteration of the Hermetic axiom: "As within, so without, As above, so below". I realised that my outer reality is a mere reflection of my inner reality. If my inner world is in a state of chaos, my outer world too will be, become and remain in a state of chaos. I realized I create my world and allow blessings and order or chaos and despair to come into my life from my inner world into my outer world.

So if I desire my life to be in a state of order, filled with good things and blessings, how then would I go about to get this? After many months of pondering and meditating, I decided to adopt a different attitude. This would need to become the way I would live my life. I understood that my Mind holds the key. My Mind is a portal between my Inner world and my Outer world. I needed to begin to change the way I think. Jesus did say, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is…”

And I began to work on this. I realised that I watch TV and enjoy spending my time watching mindless, mind numbing junk. Ever heard the word “Garbage in, garbage out”? Well, if you only ever eat hamburgers and chips, you will die of malnutrition. I needed to modify my behaviour. I know that I am the guardian of the 5 portals that feed the mind: the eyes, the ears, the nose, the sense of touch and taste. If I allow only junk to be fed to my mind, then I condition myself in a certain way, to become spiritually paralysed.

Thus began a process for me to begin to feed my mind with things that will recondition me. Jacob from the Bible wanted to become wealthy, so while working for Laban, he placed spotted and streaked bark in the water troughs of his livestock, and something remarkable happened. All the offspring that was born, ended up being spotted and streaked, and you can read this story in the Bible if you like. So we seem to have a principle at work here.

I decided to place pictures of things I would like in my life up on my wall. I did not have a decent sofa in my place. My partner and I visited a few Sofa shops and took a few brochures of sofas. I stuck these brochures to the wall where we eat our meals and we were able to watch these pictures everyday when we have meals. A few months later I received a cheque in the post for a large sum of money, which enabled me to order the sofa I wanted and it is now standing in my apartment.

If my life is a mess, then it must be a reflection of my inner world. If I play computer games everyday where I blow things and people up, then obviously those are the very things that shape my reality. How many popular computer games are there out there which are themed around a post apocalyptic war environment? Is this mere entertainment or does this impact our behaviour? Is it OK for us to play games where we shoot other people and thus become desensitized to violence and crime to this degree?

The minds of people are extremely impressionable. The weak mind is a mind open to suggestion and I saw a TV program one day, where a popular TV entertainer that operates in the field of mind control and influence, created a “advert” that was meant to be screened at a cinema. The film contained a few images, and a subliminal message that would flash on the screen too fast to be seen by the naked eye. The hidden message was transmitted through this “advert” to cause people to forget the movie they were about to see.

As the show began the advert was showed to the unsuspecting audience. After the show people came out and some were stopped and interviewed about the content of the movie. Many of them could not remember the content of the film they just saw. Advertising and media marketing is a powerful way to influence our minds to see things in a certain way. Those who know this use audiovisual media and exploit this fact. People become slaves to the things they see, whether it is a film, TV and computer games, or advertising. We are being conditioned like mere animals, subconsciously and quietly, simply because we ahave no awareness.

The global mind of the masses, through suggestion, is being bent, moulded and shaped to create a reality in this world that is not a good one. Hence the war, strife and suffering. So what will be the future reality for humanity? Perhaps it will be a reality where people are slaves to a few powerful aware individuals. Perhaps it is a reality of war, destruction and devastation. Perhaps many millions and billions are being geared up to be sacrificed in war on a global scale. We seem to accept it as natural, as we are being desensitized by the movies we watch and the games we play on our X-Boxes and Nintendo’s.

I have become aware of my mind and its role, and how I can use tools like meditation, mantras and visualization to create my reality. And I realise how many people out there have no awareness of this. I often call it the “chicken-mentality”. The awareness of a chicken extends to the 5cm around its head, where the food is, and that is about it. For me it is important to expand my awareness, and by reading spiritual books, practising meditation and mantras, I am able to increase my awareness, and shape a different reality to the mainstream masses. I will have a different spirit, like Joshua in the Bible, who was able to cross over the Jordan and inherit the Promised Land.

And here I present you with a challenge: Is your life a mess? It is because your Inner world is a mess and you will need to do a bit of house-cleaning within, in order to bring order in your Outer world. Begin small, begin to guard the gates of your mind. Begin to meditate and visualise your world as organised, stable, filled with abundance, joy and happiness. Then begin to take control of your life. If you room is a mess and things that are no longer useful clutter up your living space, be ruthless and throw it out. Tidy up your room, wash your car inside and out, create order in the parts of your life which you can and do control. And you will find that as you take small steps, over time your outer world turns from chaos into order. That is your divine right and destiny. You control your world, your life and your destiny.

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